
Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow Poem and Photos

World of White

When I woke up this morning
My world was layered in white

So cold it was and very still
Snow had fallen through the night


No birds chirped a good morning
The bugs were hidden away

Instead was this harsh cold
I felt as though it would stay

 I could barely see my lawn chair
For white had settled so thick

I wished I had seen it fall
This snow as it began to stick

The trees and bushes were
A fresh and lovely sight

Snow decorated the branches
Making winter look just right

We must enjoy the changes
So lovely and cold and bright

It will not last for long
This wonderful world of white!

poem by Marilyn Lott

All photos taken near Edmonton, Alberta.


  1. I just came over from Scratch and Peck. I am excited to see all of the sourdough entries and am sure that I will enjoy reading all of the older posts.

  2. Stunning!!
    A real delight to read indeed,
    beautifully penned!!
    Brilliant imagery!

  3. Loved the poem &Pictures. Just beautiful
