
Monday, September 19, 2011

Mount Robson

Mount Robson is the highest point in the Canadian Rockies.  Many of the mountains lose their snow-covering during the summer but Mount Robson never does.

Here is the Rocky Mountain Goat that guards the entrance to the park.

Lulu stopped to stretch her legs and take a look around.  While visiting the goat, Lulu also met a family from Prince George, BC who all wanted to pet her and take her picture.

Being the ambassador for chickens that she is, Lulu was a perfect lady and let all the children pet her.  The one girl couldn't get over how soft her feathers were, while her little brother wanted to know if I bought her at a store.

After they left, Lulu had some time to check out her surroundings.  She wasn't too impressed with the stop because there was not much to interest a chicken.

Here is another view of Mount Robson from the parking lot near the information centre.  We stopped here on the way home so Lulu could stretch her legs again.  She really enjoyed the grassy area amongst the trees at the far end of the parking lot where she found things to eat and peck at.  This was more of her style of pit stop. ;)


  1. My dogs, Henry and Maggie, are very jealous of Lulu and wish their mother would take them to interesting places!

  2. Ditto, my dogs would LOVE to sniff around the grass next to a strange new parking lot LOL. I have to say, I was raised on a chicken farm and every time my DH suggests we get a few chickens, I tell him, "With your next wife." But I'm glad you and LuLu found each other. She IS adorable. And your photographs of the mountain are breathtaking!

  3. You guys are TOO funny! I do get some strange looks and double takes when people see Lulu, but I also get to answer questions and make people more aware of chickens. I don't let her out where there are dogs because she may turn into someone's lunch. Kay, I think Henry and Maggie are happy to go anywhere in the car. (I know my dog Coco did.) ;)

  4. Beautiful photos of Mount Robson. Lulu must be quite the conversation starter.
