
Monday, January 28, 2013

Lulu and Wheatgrass

Last year I brought some sod indoors for Lulu to eat during the winter.  It worked alright at the start but as we got less sunlight, the grass began to go dormant.

Someone suggested I try wheatgrass for Lulu.  I grew several trays of it for her.

She loved her fresh greens.

By having two trays, I could alternate them so the grass could grow in between feedings.

She did a good job of keeping the grass down in height.

I keep the wheatgrass in a sunny window and bring it down to Lulu on her end table.

I do not leave the grass there all day.  She only gets it once a day for a treat.

Often she stops what she is doing when I am snapping pics but not when eating her wheatgrass.

Lulu is a very happy camper when she gets her feed of wheatgrass.

"Yum, yum, yum!"  mumbled Lulu with her mouth full, "I love this stuff!"

"It is so fresh and green." Lulu chortled.  "And I don't have to go out and get my feet cold!"

"I'm so happy, I could crow!"  chuckled Lulu.  "If I was a rooster that is!  Ha! Ha! Ha!"


  1. Lovely pictures Joan :)
    Lulu certainly looks like she's enjoying herself! x

    1. She loved it! I took ir with us when we travelled and she ate it right down to the dirt.

  2. What a wonderful treat for your sweet girl. She looks like she's really enjoying it.

    1. Luckily I had two trays so one could grow while she snacked on the other.

  3. Woot Woot. My girls love wheat grass too. Sometimes i just let the seeds sprout and grow maybe a half inch of grass and give it to them then. That seems to be their favorite.

    1. Lulu loved the seeds as well. I soaked too much so fed her the rest as treats. She just gobbled them up.

  4. I am so making one of those pictures my screen saver. I LOVE Lulu.

    1. Be my guest with the screen saver and enjoy.
