
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sourdough Sharing - Flatbreads

This month's sourdough challenge at Sourdough Surprises was flatbread.  I decided to give both tortillas and naan a try.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Tortillas
My starting point was these two recipes - here and here .

4 c flour (I used all whole wheat)
1 c milk
1 c sourdough
1/2 tsp salt

Mix together sourdough, milk and salt.

Slowly add in flour mixing until the dough forms a ball and is not too sticky.  Then knead the dough for 2 - 3 minutes.

Transfer to a well-greased bowl, grease top of dough, cover and let sit overnight.

My dough had a bit of a crust on it the next day but nothing too bad.

Divide the dough into balls and heat up a cast iron or non-stick fry pan.
Use olive oil to grease rolling pin and rolling surface.  Roll dough balls flat and thin. 

Place your tortilla into pre-heated pan and cook briefly on both sides. 

It took less than a minute per tortilla.  I turned the pan down to medium to medium low because the cast iron holds the heat and I didn't want my tortillas to burn. 

The recipe makes between 1 1/2 dozen to 2 dozen depending on the size.

These were very good.  I ate some warm and froze the rest for later.  Next time I make them, I will try to make them a bit larger and rounder so I can use them for quesadillas.

Sourdough Naan
My starting point was here and here .

1 c sourdough
1/2 c warm milk
1/4 c Greek yogurt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 c flour (I used all whole wheat)
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme

Mix sourdough, milk, and yogurt.  Add dry ingredients and mix together, adding more flour if dough is too sticky.

 Knead a couple of minutes.

Turn onto floured board and knead several times until dough is smooth.  Place in a greased bowl and let rest several hours. 

Divide dough into 8 pieces and heat up fry pan.  Again I started at medium high and then turned down the heat.

Roll dough on floured board.  I found the dough a bit stickier than the tortilla dough and a bit harder to manage.

Cook each side until done.  It smelled very nice cooking with the herbs in the dough.
The naan took a little longer to cook than the tortillas because the dough was a bit thicker.  I also found it harder to keep the naan round.

The naan were good but my preference is the tortillas - partly because they were less trouble and partly because I have eaten more tortillas in the past than naan. 

Enjoy both recipes as well as the links to other flatbreads below.  ;)


  1. Wonderful job! Both your pita and tortillas look fantastic! :) Thanks for baking with us this month!

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed it plus looking at everyone else's recipes!

  2. I love making tortillas but I've never made them with sourdough - that's what I should have done this month, because yours look great!

    1. Thanks! They were a fun and tasty challenge.

  3. Two of my favourite foods! I often eat them plain without any condiments. Never tried oregano and thyme on naan, so I must try that next time.

    1. I really liked the scent of the herbs while they were cooking.

  4. I love all kinds of bread and in the past have made hm tortillas and flatbread. Yours look great. Makes me want some right now :)

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed making them but enjoyed eating them even more!

  5. I'm really tempted by the tortillas, they look great!

  6. Interesting tortilla recipe - I may have to try that. The only tortillas I've made used lard or oil, and so I don't make them often because they're not healthy.
