
Monday, June 24, 2013

Lulu's Birthday

Four years ago today a bunch of eggs hatched.  

The next day we drove to Aldergrove, BC and picked up 31 balls of fluff.  

Of course, we didn't actually know Lulu until months later but she came home with us that day.


I was going to bake her a niblet corn muffin but decided to take the easy way out and buy her a cob of corn.  

I think Lulu enjoyed that more than she would have enjoyed the muffin.

So here's a Happy Birthday and many more happy, healthy years to my dear, sweet Lulu.  I've been blessed with her brightening up my life with all her antics that make me laugh.

I love my sweet, feathered girl.   ♥ ♥ ♥  


  1. Oh, how sweet!
    Happy 4th birthday Lulu!!!
    You looked like you enjoyed your corn, I hope you didn't eat the candle too! :) x

    1. No she flipped it off so fast I couldn't snap a pic with her with the candle on the corn.

  2. Oh, Happy Birthday Lulu. I don't even know her and I love her as though she was one of my own.

    This fall, two girls turn 3, one turns 2 and the babies turn 1. I asked my husband what we should do to celebrate and he said, um, how big a bag of crickets can you buy? Not sure where I'll put the candles but we'll be celebrating for sure!

    1. Oh crickets! Lucky girls. Lulu loves them too.

  3. I love chicken people!!! And I love Lulu. Give her a birthday hug for me Joan.

    1. Lulu got to celebrate her birthday in Saskatoon with my mom and dad. Grandma really spoils her rotten.

  4. pictures! :D Happy Birthday, Lulu! She has the same b-day as my DH, DD, my dad and a friend of mine. Great day for a birthday, it seems. LOL

    1. Boy you must have one heck of a party - celebrating for all those people.

  5. I think it is sweet and very touching that Lulu has grandparents who love her like you do. She's a lucky feathered girl.

    1. She sure is. At my mom's, Lulu gets to sit in a lawn chair beside grandma while she watches tv. Grandma always has a snack to share with her. ;)
