
Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Dust Bath at Grandma's

Lulu and I went to visit my mom and dad.  They live in a second floor apartment.  The weather was still quite nice and they hadn't had enough frost to kill my mom's geraniums.   

Lulu liked to be out on the balcony because it was sunny and warm there.

One of the planters was lower than the others and Lulu was able to dig in the dirt.

She would dig the dirt out of the planter and spread it on the ground.

Then she would repeat the process until she had a nice layer on the ground.

Since the plants were going to freeze anyway, my mom didn't mind Lulu making a mess.  In fact, she watered all the plants except the one Lulu played in so it wouldn't be muddy.

We would all sit on the balcony and watch Lulu enjoying herself.

When she got the dirt spread to her liking, she started to dust bath in it.

It takes alot of dedication to dustbath in so little dirt but Lulu managed.

She shook and rolled in that bit of dirt and laid there in the sun.

What a lucky girl!  Not many chickens get to have a dustbath on a balcony overlooking a park.