
Monday, November 21, 2011

In the Blink of An Eye

For several days this past week, I was outside raking leaves.  The weather was nice and the grass was still green. I was piling the leaves on my herb beds since I had some winter kill last year.  I figured that we don't usually get enough snow to cover the plants, so I would cover them with leaves.  Come spring, we'll see if it helped.

I still had more leaves to rake as all the trees hadn't even finished turning colours.  When I got up the next morning what do I see - SNOW! 

Snow on the lattice and in the clouds over the mountains.

Snow on the herb garden that I just finished covering with leaves.

On the grapes and trellis.

The trees aren't finished dropping their leaves.

In fact, this apple tree hasn't even finished changing colours!

The cherry tree is still loaded with leaves.

Another grape trellis with the snowy mountains in the distance.

Mountain ash berries wearing tall white hats.

My poor Coco, all covered with snow.

I used to have a dog named Coco that looked exactly like the statue.

We received about 2-3" in our first dump of snow.  Hopefully, it'll disappear before long but if not - get ready for WINTER!


  1. Beautiful snow pictures! Happy early Winter.

  2. That is so cute and funny with the berries and their little white hats!
    Hope you get a few more warm days in there before winter really sets in!

  3. I just can't believe the beauty of your "Mountain Garden". And it's wonderful that you appreciate it so.
