
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sourdough Sharing - Cake

This month for Sourdough Sharing, I have two sourdough cakes to offer. 

The first one is a Carrot Cake that I previously blogged here.  It is Barry's favorite carrot cake as he hates dry cakes and this one is very nice and moist.  It is very tasty with the nuts, raisins and pineapple added.

The other cake is a Sourdough Fiesta Cake that I found in my Sourdough Cookery cookbook by Rita Davenport.  I was pleased to be able to use my own dehydrated beans and raisins from my garden as well as our own apples in this cake.

1/4 c butter, softened
1 c sugar
1 egg
1/2 c milk
2 c mashed cooked pinto beans
1 tsp vanilla
1 c sourdough
1 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp allspice
2 c diced apples
1/2 c chopped nuts
1 c raisins

To make the beans, I soaked 2 cups of pinto beans overnight.  I then drained them and cooked them in fresh water til they were tender.  I then redrained them and mashed 2 cups of beans.  I had 2 cups of beans left over that I will use when I make refried beans later this week.  I now know that you only have to soak half of what the recipe needs as the beans double in size.

Beat together butter, sugar and egg.  Add milk, vanilla and beans.  Mix in the sourdough.

Combine dry ingredients and add to mixture.  Stir in nuts, raisins and apples.

Pour into a greased bundt pan and bake at 375°F for 45 minutes.  

Cool in pan for 5 minutes.  

Remove from pan and glaze when cool.

Glaze Ingredients
1 c icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp milk

Blend all ingredients and drizzle onto cake.  

I found the cake to be nice and moist.  Usually when you bake with apples, the standard spices seem to be cinnamon and nutmeg.  Using cloves and allspice gives it a different and pleasing taste.  The pinto beans are not noticeable but add hidden protein to the cake.  Enjoy!


Try one of these or take a look at the blogs below for other sourdough cakes.


  1. I did a similar carrot cake years ago, but nothing even close to the fiesta cake. Sounds interesting!

    1. We really love the carrot cake. The fiesta cake just sounded too interesting not to try. Glad I did.

  2. What an amazing cake! I'll have to try it - I'm trying to sneak more good stuff into the treats I bake for my kids and this looks just the ticket :)

    1. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the recipe. Hidden goodies! ;)

  3. Those pinto beans are intriguing. And the spices must make it taste wonderful!

    1. Yes, I really liked the spice mix - different from what I am used to.

  4. This is so unique, I would have never thought of beans! Looks totally moist and delish, thanks for sharing!

    1. I did a double take when I read the recipe and knew I had to try it.

  5. Bean cakes? Carrot sourdough cakes? I'M SOLD! These are so cooool!!

    So glad to meet you through Sourdough Surprises. What an awesome idea!

    1. Welcome and thanks! So many cakes - decisions, decisions. ;)

  6. Both of your cakes look great! I love carrot cake as well and definitely must try it with sourdough. I've never heard of a Fiesta Cake but I have heard of cakes made with beans... yet another thing I should try! ;)

    1. The carrot cake is SOO moist and yummy - you'll love it!

  7. Beautiful cake! I like the idea of putting beans in it for more protein. I've done that with bar cookies, but never with cake as I was afraid it would make the cake too heavy.

    1. It is not a light and fluffy cake but neither is the carrot cake. Sometimes you want fluffy, sometimes full-bodied.

  8. Now this cake I definitely need to try!! Beans, apples, raisins, nuts, spices and sourdough~what's not to like:) Plus, my hubby would do flips over this cake! Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  9. What an interesting cake that fiesta cake it - I bet it was delicious!! What a great choice.

    1. Thanks, I couldn't resisit once I saw the recipe and was not disappointed.

  10. I love love love carrot cake. I can't wait to add sourdough to my favourite recipe. Pinto beans in cake? Extra protein? I want to try that too!

    1. The carrot cake is our hands down favorite of carrot cakes - moist, tasty and full-bodied.

  11. gosh this look so beautiful and it also sounds so nutritious! well done on the challenge. ciao, Barbara

  12. The fiesta cake is really different. I've never seen beans in a cake of any kind. But it does sound like a good way to boost fiber and protein. I may come back to this idea!


    1. Those were some of my reasons for trying it as well. Glad I did.

  13. Both cakes look amazing, but I am so impressed with the fiesta cake! I never would have thought about replacing the flour with mashed pinto beans! Great idea to add extra protein (and protein in a cake?! Awesome!) The spices sound perfect, too! Thanks for baking with us!

    1. Thanks, it was great. Now we have alot of great recipes to try.

  14. Those sound fantastic! I never would have thought of using beans!

    1. I wouldn't have thought of beans either until I saw the recipe and knew I had to try it.

  15. Would it be wrong to eat the Fiesta Cake for dinner? Both of these cakes sound delicious and look great!

    1. Thanks! We can justify eating them as protein (beans) and veggies (carrots). ;)
