
Monday, March 18, 2013

Spinach Time

Last year I let my spinach go to seed so I could save some to plant this year.  Since I was often away or busy, the spinach got away from me and much of it reseeded itself when I wasn't looking.  I was still able to save a fair amount of seed (enough to share at Seedy Saturday).

Here is my huge patch of spinach that is ready super-early.

We have been eating steamed spinach sprinkled with vinegar and also spinach salad with bacon, mushrooms and boiled eggs.  I plan on using some for soup as well.

Someone else likes fresh spinach as well.
Lulu stays close to the edge of the patch as she enjoys her feed of spinach.  We don't mind sharing with her since there is so much of it.

She also likes that some of the leaves from last fall are near the spinach.  She likes to scratch and look for bugs while feasting on the spinach.

"Oh boy," exclaimed Lulu.  "I sure like all this green stuff!  Yum, yum, yum."

So Lulu is enjoying our nice weather - eating, scratching, dustbathing and sunning herself most of the day.  ;)



  1. Lucky Lulu! What a wonderful snack, and in the sunshine too!

    We have a distinct lack of that in the U.K at the moment - boo! x

    1. Yes Lulu has been lucky! It seems like Barry brought the nice weather with him when he came home because it was sunny most of the time he was here. Lulu spent hours outside every day. :)

  2. Love it when Lulu gets out. My girls too love spinach. Unfortunately, they mostly get rough chopped stems but they gobble them up just the same.

    1. We had more than enough spinach to share with Lulu. The garden is 30 feet wide so we would never eat all that spinach ourselves.
